How CFOs Should Rethink Growth & Profitability
A curated networking-dinner and hands-on mixology session with SaaS finance leaders where we discuss proven tactics to reduce burn and increase margins.
The macroeconomic outlook is even more uncertain now than it was a year ago. And with external financing more difficult than before, companies are reducing their spends, irrespective of the runway they have choosing long-term optionality.
The focus of the evening will be on efficient growth. Find out what it looks like in practice as we share our learnings on tactics to improve cash management and increase margins.
Wind down the evening with an immersive session with our award-winning mixologist as you get hands-on to make and name your own 2 cocktails with instructions, tips, and stories along the way followed by dinner and networking
Who is the event for?
SaaS finance leaders including aspiring CFOs
FP&A leaders
Finance professionals
Event has ended
Interested in knowing about the insights shared at the event?
Reach out to us at learn@drivetrain.ai for the show notes and summary points.