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Financial Forecasting Software

Predict financial outcomes for your business with confidence

Gain insights into future business performance with reliable real-time actuals data, flexible driver-based forecasting, and seamless collaboration with business stakeholders. Use your data to make better decisions and quickly respond to new opportunities.
Fueling finance teams globally
Rating by G2 users


Improve forecast accuracy

Easily connect your ERP and other source systems for real-time data sync to ensure all your reports, models and forecasts are always up-to-date and reliable.

Get actionable insights fast

Analyze trends, variances and transaction level data to identify opportunities and bottlenecks with your key metrics.

Streamline collaboration 

Securely share reports and models with all your stakeholders to align on metric definitions, targets, and goals for more agile decision making.

Forecast accurately with real-time access to reliable actuals 

Connect all your financial and business applications such as ERP, CRM, HRIS, billing and others to Drivetrain to automatically fetch historical data.
Reforecast as frequently as you need (weekly, monthly, quarterly) for improved visibility on the performance of your business.
Create a single of source of truth for all your key SaaS metrics and more, such as LTV:CAC, CAC payback period, and ARR:FTE, as well as any custom metrics you're tracking.
Explore all integrations
Drivetrain integrations

Create flexible driver-based forecasts quickly

Forecast with financial and operational drivers that matter to you.
Connect all your models – P&L, cash flow, balance sheet, headcount cost, vendor expenses – to understand the true impact of every decision and change in assumption.
Swiftly create multiple forecast scenarios such as base case, best case, and worst case with an intuitive and easy-to-use formula and model builder.
“Drivetrain has very flexible forecasting models that allowed us to build our entire forecast – top line, expenses, balance sheet, and cash flow – to get them all interconnected with each other and our other systems.
The formula writing is intuitive and has a short learning curve when transitioning from Excel.”
Andrew De Fanti
FP&A Manager, Quantum Metric
Andrew De Fanti, FP&A Manager at Quantum Metric

Want to see how Drivetrain makes financial forecasting easy?

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Make better decisions with reliable, real-time data

Evaluate how your actuals are tracking against your forecast and plan.
Have constant visibility of your cash flows, expenses, and revenue.
Create custom reports and charts to quickly present financial results and insights to investors, the board, and other key stakeholders.
Drill down into your data by any number of dimensions to see transactions at the general ledger (GL), vendor, or invoice level to identify exact cause of variances.
Explore reporting and analysis

Get accurate and timely inputs from all your stakeholders

Eliminate the need to create stakeholder-specific spreadsheets to capture inputs. Securely share models and reports with them to get their inputs on headcount and other expenses quickly and reliably. 
Leverage Drivetrain's plain-English formulas to enhance collaboration even further with models that even your non-finance counterparts can understand.  
Maintain confident control over who sees what information with SSO, fine-grained, role-based access controls (RBAC), and a detailed audit log. 

Simplify and streamline your financial forecasting

Scenario modeling

Run What-If scenarios and perform root cause analyses in minutes to be better prepared for different circumstances.

Rolling forecasts

Do continuous planning with rolling forecasts to ensure your plans, forecasts, and reports are always up to date.

Variance analysis

Automate analysis to quickly and easily uncover deep insights to improve financial planning.

Cross-functional collaboration

Collaborate effortlessly with different team to achieve business goals.

Connected modeling

Connect all your models and plans to fully assess the business impact of a change in any one of them.

SaaS metrics reporting

Create a single and easily accessible source of truth for all your key metrics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is financial forecasting software?

Financial forecasting software automates the process of data collection and consolidation and provides features for quicker reforecasting, scenario modeling, and visual dashboarding. A typical financial forecasting software will have pre-built connectors to ERP, CRM, HRIS systems. These tools help finance teams save time, improve the accuracy of their forecasts and provide access to reliable data for better decision making.

Which systems does Drivetrain integrate with?

Drivetrain has 200+ out-of-the-box integrations. These include connectors to several popular data systems such as QuickBooks, NetSuite, Xero, Sage Intacct, Salesforce, Hubspot, Zenefits, ADP, Rippling, Stripe, and many more. In addition to these standards connectors, we can also build custom integrations to your data sources.

What are the benefits of using a financial forecasting software like Drivetrain over Excel?

Drivetrain automatically aggregates data from all your data sources, saving you time and giving you access to 100% reliable data in real-time. With Drivetrain you can reforecast regularly, quickly changing your assumptions to forecast for different scenarios, and create a single source of truth for all your key metrics.

What is the best tool for forecasting?

The choice of tool depends on your requirements – size of company, number of users, number of data sources, complexity of use case. For fast-growing B2B businesses Drivetrain is an excellent choice with its robust integrations, powerful multi-dimensional modeling and reporting capabilities in an intuitive, easy-to-use platform. To learn more about your options, check out our comparison of the 6 best financial forecasting tools on the market today.

How to perform financial forecasting?

Here are a few blogs that provide a detailed view on how to do balance sheet forecasting, sales forecasting, and revenue forecasting. 

Financial forecasting is hard. 
Drivetrain makes it easy.

Book a Demo