Looking for a powerful, easy-to-use SaaS financial model template in Google Sheets?
Our free SaaS financial model template in Google Sheets will help you quickly forecast your company’s future performance with a connected, driver based model that factors in the core components that impact your business.

A template tailor-made for B2B SaaS
We know that no two businesses are the same and have designed our B2B SaaS financial model template with flexibility in mind. You can use it right out-of-the-box to get your model up and running fast or modify it as needed to suit the needs of your business.
You’ll find our template intuitive and simple to use, too. Instead of cramming the whole model into one huge spreadsheet, we’ve placed each of the main components of the model in a separate worksheet, making it fast and easy to update with your actuals each month.
Here’s what you’ll find inside:
Key Assumptions you’ll use in your model
An Actuals worksheet for recording your historical data
A comprehensive summary of your financial performance
Several important SaaS metrics calculated for you
A comprehensive set of churn metrics with associated revenue retention
An Income Statement (P&L) that calculates your revenue growth, gross margin, and EBITDA margin, and total operating expenses.
A dashboard that illustrates your financial performance with an ARR waterfall, your P&L, and important trends in your business
Modeling SaaS performance couldn’t be easier
Let's walk you through the template!
The only SaaS startup financial model template you’ll ever need
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