SaaS Gross Margin: How to Calculate New and Recurring Profit Margins

In this guide, we explore why gross margin is important for SaaS companies, how to calculate it, and some gross margin benchmarks.

Published on: Apr 17, 2023
Last updated on: Aug 30, 2024

Read TL;DR

  • Gross Margin is a key profitability metric, showing revenue after deducting COGS (Cost of Goods Sold). A high gross margin indicates strong profitability and a scalable model, essential for growth and attracting investors.
  • The gross margin percentage defines the upper limit of your company’s profitability. Put another way, the higher your gross margin, the more profitable and scalable your business model.
  • Gross Margin % = (Revenue - COGS) / Revenue.
  • The hard part in calculating gross margin is what goes into COGS. Should Customer Success be included in COGS? Should a software/tool be included in COGS? Should tool costs be amortized? Should implementation costs for these tools be included in COGS?
  • Track margins for subscription and services revenue separately to get clearer insights which can influence key business strategies, from pricing to resource allocation. Such analysis informs decision-making to ensure competitive pricing and efficient use of resources for development and expansion.
  • The median benchmark for gross margins that SaaS companies should aim for is above 70%. Gross margins are expected to increase as companies scale.
  • Improving your gross margin is hard as it’s tied to the core economics of your business model. Optimizing hosting costs and negotiating better terms with service providers, outsourcing or adjusting billing methods, automating workflows in CS operations, introducing tiered customer service, tracking profitability per customer to adjust pricing or upsell low-margin clients are some ways to accomplish this.
  • Curious to learn how to calculate, analyze and improve your Gross Margins with key benchmarks? Download this cheat sheet.

Gross margin is a vital metric for SaaS companies because it conveys profitability quickly to investors. With the typical SaaS startup averaging a gross margin of over 75% according to Software Equity Group, SaaS is a very lucrative investment for angels and VCs.

So what is the gross margin in SaaS? Gross margin is the difference between the revenue generated from a software product and the cost of delivering that product (also called cost of goods sold or COGS) and is typically expressed as a percentage of the total revenue.

In a SaaS context, we have found that it’s easier to calculate gross margin by revenue stream, breaking it down by subscription versus services revenue. This paints a more thorough picture of profitability to investors.

In this guide, we explore why gross margin is important for SaaS companies, how to calculate it, and some gross margin benchmarks.

Why is gross margin important in SaaS?

SaaS gross margin % tells you what percentage of revenue you will retain as gross profit when you sell a single unit (depending on your pricing strategy) of your product or service.

Revenue isn't the only measure of a company's success. The higher the gross margin, the more profitable and sustainable its business model becomes. SaaS companies are characterized by high gross margins in comparison to traditional businesses. The higher gross margins of SaaS businesses are made possible by their typically low cost of delivering services and are what makes them extremely attractive to investors.

“Gross margin is a reflection of how valuable a dollar of revenue is to the business
 Margin is one of the main reasons a $10 million revenue company can be more valuable than a $100 million revenue company.”
David Cummings
CEO of Atlanta Ventures

The gross margin of a SaaS business is composed of two separate components: the subscription margin and the service margin. The subscription margin is determined by the recurring revenue generated from product subscriptions, whereas the service margin is associated with the one-time revenue generated from offering professional services.

Both aspects of your SaaS gross margin play an important role in painting a valuation picture to investors. The overall gross margin level (that includes subscription and services margin) indicates whether your business is a SaaS (typically high gross margin) or a tech-enabled services company (lower gross margin and a different business model.)

Grab your Subscription Gross Margin cheat sheet: Why it matters, how to calculate it + benchmarks

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With tech-enabled companies, services are a core business offering and integral in fueling the subscription side of the company. However, for true SaaS companies, services are not core to generating or maintaining subscriptions. Therefore, the subscription gross margin is more important in this case, with the services gross margin offering additional context to the overall picture, while remaining important nonetheless.

How to calculate gross margin for SaaS

Here is the standard formula for gross margin:

Standard formula for gross margin.
Standard formula for gross margin.

While this formula works well enough for most industries, it doesn’t provide enough context for a SaaS company.

SaaS companies should break this formula down by categorizing their gross margins into services and subscription-based revenue streams. Note that in the SaaS context, all the direct costs incurred in delivering your product should be filed under cost of goods sold (COGS) and not S&M, G&A, and R&D expenses, since they’re part of the recurring expenses associated with the production process.

A cost of goods sold formula Excel template tailor-made for SaaS

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Calculating your subscription gross margin

The subscription gross margin is the most important metric for determining profitability for a SaaS business. It’s calculated by subtracting all recurring COGS associated with your SaaS subscriptions from your annual recurring revenue (ARR).

Knowing all the different expenses that should be categorized as COGS for a SaaS company can be a bit challenging compared to companies that sell physical products. For a SaaS company, COGS might include items like:

  • Servers and hosting space for the software platform
  • Licensing for third-party integrations
  • Expenses related to onboarding new customers
  • Expenses related to customer support and account management
  • Royalties
  • Transaction fees, payment gateway charges and commissions to various partners


  • Expenses include salaries, wages, payroll taxes, employee benefits, contract labor, travel costs, training costs, software and tool costs.
  • Any expenses that are billed back to the customer should be excluded (for e.g, travel) under COGS.
  • Any implementation costs (or services costs or professional services costs) for the software and tools used by these teams are excluded from COGS.
  • Tool costs need to be amortized depending on if they're paid up-front, or in periodic installments, or ad-hoc based on usage.

Here is the formula for calculating subscription gross margin:

Formula for subscription gross margin.
Formula for subscription gross margin.

Here’s an example calculation of subscription gross margin for a company that has an ARR of $1,000,000 and COGS of $250,000:

Example calculation of subscription gross margin.
Example calculation of subscription gross margin.

Calculating your services gross margin

The services gross margin is calculated by deducting the costs associated with providing one-time services from the additional revenue generated from those services in a given year.

Here is the formula you would use to calculate the services gross margin:

Formula for calculating services gross margin.
Formula for calculating services gross margin.

Here’s an example calculation for a SaaS company generates $50,000 in total revenue from providing one-time services while spending $40,000 in providing those services:

Example calculation of services gross margin
Example calculation of services gross margin.

Accounting for customer success

There’s an ongoing debate about how you should account for customer success when calculating your SaaS gross margin. But there’s a simple way to look at it, according to Ben Murray, the SaaS CFO.

He recommends that if your customer success team is focused solely on retention, you should file any costs associated with it under COGS when calculating your subscription margin. However, if a considerable part of your customer success efforts is to generate referrals for new business, he says customer success should be filed under sales and marketing expenses.

When looking at customer success costs, we recommend dividing costs based on objective (salaries of employees focused on retention versus expansion). Include retention costs to COGS and expansion to sales and marketing expenses.

What is a good gross margin for SaaS?

According to the operations team at Software Equity Group, a good gross margin benchmark for SaaS is anything higher than 75%. If a SaaS company’s gross margin is lower than 70%, that is a red flag for potential investors.

Gross margin benchmarks for SaaS companies.


Let's look at what Cummings has to say about how companies should think about their gross margin:

Early on, a startup shouldn’t worry too much about gross margin. It’s most important to find product-market fit and build a repeatable customer acquisition process.

David Cummings
CEO of Atlanta Ventures

Further, he states that, “Over time, economies of scale will start to kick in and most SaaS companies will be able to achieve gross margins in the 70-80% range, if not higher. Gross margin, subscription revenue, and great growth opportunities all come together to drive high valuations for SaaS companies.”

When evaluating the profitability of a mature SaaS business, however, gross margin plays a vital role that trumps even revenue.

Investors prize SaaS companies because providing SaaS service costs very little, and consequently these startups record very high gross margins.” However, he adds that, “The median gross margin for publicly traded SaaS companies expands from 50% in year four to just under 75% in year five
 Hosting costs and customer success costs comprise the majority of SaaS Costs of Goods Sold (COGS).

Tomasz Tunguz
Managing Director at Redpoint Ventures

In summary, SaaS businesses shouldn’t worry too much about their gross margin early on, but most should reach a gross margin of at least 70% as the company matures. A gross margin of lower than 70% could be a concern for investors because it results in poor returns.

How to improve your gross margin

Unlike most other SaaS metrics, there’s no easy way to improve a low gross margin without radically altering your business model. This is because your gross margin is tied to the core economics of your business model, making it difficult to control. On top of that, recurring customers expect stability in their contracts, which can make it difficult to tweak your pricing model as needed.

Despite these challenges, given its impact on your company’s profitability, you should always be looking for ways to improve your gross margin. Here are a few things that might help you do that:

  • Examine hosting costs: Optimize your cloud usage by examining your codebase and simplifying components that consume the highest resources. Negotiate with your service provider to reduce costs or spread them out over several years.
  • Revise your implementation model: Outsource, charge more, or switch to hourly billing when implementing your product. This will boost your services gross margin.
  • Examine your customer success motions: Compare your CS headcount to established benchmarks. Automate more workflows to reduce workload.
  • Create tiered customer service: Consider offering standard support for free and charging more for round-the-clock support, if your customers are open to the idea
  • Track profitability per customer: Change low margin customers’ pricing or upsell them to boost profitability.

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Drivetrain simplifies gross margin analysis for SaaS businesses

When you’re trying to generate your P&L statements and track gross margin, there are two ways you can go about it.

You can manually input data from a variety of different platforms like your ERP, CRM, and PSP systems into a spreadsheet. Then, you can calculate your gross margin by hand for every single billing period.

Or, you can use Drivetrain, a purpose-built financial planning and analysis (FP&A) platform with 200+ integrations. With Drivetrain, you can connect to all of the different financial software tools you use in your business to automatically pull all the data you need for every aspect of your FP&A work.

Here are a few ways Drivetrain can help you improve your gross margin analysis:

  • Connects your sales, marketing, headcount, revenue, and accounting data to provide context to your profit and loss reports.
  • Helps you develop projection models for different financial scenarios and track your progress toward your revenue goals.
  • Uses business language formulas to calculate gross margins across different channels, geographies, and market segments.
  • Provides alerts and notifications whenever you’re about to deviate from your pre-determined gross margin calculations.
  • Creates accurate forecasts to gauge the potential impact of your business decisions on your profit margins.
Gross margin dashboard built on Drivetrain.

See how Drivetrain can help you track Gross Margin and other SaaS and financial metrics in real-time

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What is Gross Margin?

Gross margin is the difference between the revenue generated from a software product and the cost of delivering that product (also called cost of goods sold or COGS), and it’s typically expressed as a percentage of the total revenue.

What is a good gross margin for SaaS?

There isn't a single benchmark for SaaS gross margins, and it varies with the maturity of your company. However, most SaaS companies are eventually able to reach gross margins of 70-80%.

Why is gross margin important in SaaS?

Gross margin is a measure of a company's success. The higher the gross margin, the more profitable and sustainable its business model becomes, making it more attractive to investors.

How should you account for customer success in calculating your gross margin?

This is a subject of ongoing debate. However, we recommend dividing the salary costs of your customer success team based on the objectives associated with their work:

  • If their activities are focused on customer retention, those costs should be added to the cost of goods sold (COGS).
  • If their activities are focused on expansion, those costs should be treated as sales and marketing expenses